Engineering Design

Entera began providing internal engineered design services in 2010, serving the electrical distribution industry. The department has grown to a design team capable of supporting a work program of the fourth largest, and fastest growing, major city in North America, Toronto.

Entera began providing internal engineered design services in 2010, serving the electrical distribution industry. The department has grown to a design team capable of supporting a work program of the fourth largest, and fastest growing, major city in North America, Toronto.

The design team consistently delivers practical designs ready for construction with the assistance of subject matter experts in the installation of the infrastructure in both the high and low voltage electrical and civil trades.

A city as old as Toronto combined with its current unprecedented growth presents a challenge that few can handle. Our team not only excels in this environment, but revels in the task of completing common sense designs out of complicated challenges that are both cost effective and ready for construction.

Today Entera is one of the GTA’s leading providers of both overhead and underground electrical utility services, civil utilities construction, engineering design, and trenchless technologies (directional and auger bore).

In addition to Toronto Hydro, Entera has worked with Bell, Rogers, Toronto Water, various business improvement associations throughout the area, as well as with private business.